adf-core-python Documentation


This package is currently under development. Breaking changes may occur.


Since it has not been released as a package yet, it cannot be installed via pip.


The following language documents use machine translation. The accuracy of the translation cannot be guaranteed. English


adf-core-python is a library and framework to support agent development in RoboCup Rescue Simulation (RRS). By using adf-core-python, you can streamline agent development and improve reusability.


adf-core-python has the following features:

  • Module-based development: Develop agents on a module basis, making it easy to replace modules.

  • Module reuse: Reuse modules used by other agents.

  • Focus on agent development: The library provides common processing such as communication with the simulation server and log output.

Getting Started

To get started with adf-core-python, follow the installation and refer to the tutorials and hands-on in this document.

Quick Start

API Documentation