About Config

Explanation about Config

└── <your_team_name>
    └── config
        ├── development.json
        ├── launcher.yaml
        └── module.yaml

The config directory contains the agent’s configuration files.


launcher.yaml is a configuration file that is read when the agent starts. It specifies the simulation server and the files of the modules to be loaded.


module.yaml is a configuration file for the modules that the agent loads. It specifies the paths of the modules to be loaded. When specifying the path, use the relative path from the project’s main.py.


    PathPlanning: src.<your_team_name>.module.complex.sample_search.SampleSearch
    Clustering: src.<your_team_name>.module.complex.sample_search.SampleClustering


development.json is a configuration file used during development. It is used to obtain values from external sources during agent development. Therefore, it cannot be used during competitions.