Environment Setup on Mac

1. Homebrewのインストール

  1. Open the terminal and run the following command.

    brew -v
  2. If you get an error like command not found, run the following command.

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  3. Run the following command again, and if the version is displayed, it is successful. (If not displayed, restart the terminal.)

    brew -v

2. Gitのインストール

  1. Open the terminal and run the following command.

    git --version
  2. If you get an error like command not found, run the following command.

    brew install git
  3. Enter the following command, and if the version is displayed, it is successful. (If not displayed, restart the terminal.)

    git --version

3. Pythonのインストール

  1. Open the terminal and run the following command. Also, make sure the version is 3.12 or higher.

    python --version
  2. If you get an error like command not found or the version is low, run the following command.

    brew install python
  3. Enter the following command, and if the version is displayed, it is successful. (If not displayed, restart the terminal.)

    python --version

3. OpenJDKのインストール

  1. Open the terminal and run the following command. Also, make sure the version is 17.

    java --version
  2. If you get an error like command not found or the version is different, run the following command.

    brew install openjdk@17
  3. Enter the following command, and if the version is displayed, it is successful. (If not displayed, restart the terminal.)

    java --version